Monday, 6 August 2012

My CWS Student Graduation

OMG My Graduation Day
My CWS was Awesome, One of the best day's in my Second Life. It was alot of pressure and erves got to me. Everything was perfect. We practiced our routine before we started.
We All Recieved a uniform and a diploma.
We also had a surprize for the audiance.
My graduation day just proves how hard I have worked to get this far.
Now I became a model in Classic With Style I will do my beast to become secondlife's greatest model. To win alot of award's and make history in Secondlife.

CWS Diploma
I have hang my diploma up in my store, my house, Profile, and Picture of my Blogger to show how proud I am to graduate. It was a special moment and alot of people turned up.
This was a great day and I have enjoyed it.

 CWS Toga Uniform
Omg I had a pink Toga on my graduation day it was great silky look. I put pink heels on to match.
Honestly I think the toga looks great. I also kept it to remember one of thee best day's in my Second Life. It was Awesome.The whole routine went well after just 1 practice.

The surprize came later, we all dressed as Pirates for the surprize and did a little dance for the audiance. We all were in synce with the dance, it actually looked great. Professional dancing on a runway. But this will be the day I will remember for the rest of my life. I will never forget and I do hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.

Later to celebrate we all went to celebrate.
Having fun and a slow dance at CWS Ballroom. We all had fun and it was a nice to just relax.
While I was thinking entering Classic With Style University as Student was one of the best thing's that ever happend to me in secondlife.

My advice to all students that have entered, and all the people that wants to enter. Is to concerntrate in class, Listen to everything they have said. Be patient, Follow instructions. Most important, Never Quit. You will become a sucess if you put your mind in to it.

Love Kayleigh x x x

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Congradulation's I have Passed My Final's

WOOOOOOPPP I passed my Finals and now become a CWS Elite Model.

We will be Graduating this friday at 3pm


Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Classic With Style Student Final's

Tonight was the night I do my Final's. To pass we must have Anrol Anthony's approval of tonight's performance.
This will be done individualy. We was all nervouse, and worriying about mistakes. But we just get on with it and do our best.
While Anrol was watching each performance, we try thinking we will pass, we will pass, we will pass. In our heads, and hopefully we will pass the finals.
We did a styling show in mini skirt, hat and red shoe's, A character Test, Quick change, and taking photo's of  CWS fashion runway stage's.
Although I am greatful to be here in the final's. I have worked hard everyday to get there.
Got our finger's crossed, and just like the X - Factor we have to wait for the result's.
So I will be praying tonight and hope for the results to come soon.

My Final's Description:-
My look the final's is this delightful Outfit I am wearing in Black and Red tonight. That I have put together for this special night.
The red elegant hat, very long with ribbon wrapped around, a flower to tie the not, Simply like the hat's the woman have worn on the titanic.
For the first time I have my hair tied up, braided down with a red bobble at the end. Keeps my hair tidy back. With a little fringe going to the left side.
Dark Blue eyeshadow to match my blue eyes, Black eyelashes with little red sprinkles at the end. Silver long necklace with a key and a heart at the end. Very well designed and sparkle.
Red wrapped around short bikini shirt. Matching underwear. The red skirt with a black belt, that has a silver chain on the left side showing heart, flowers and a butterfly in silver and sparle to match my jewelry. The belt is well designed Victorian pattern with Bitch on the buckle. The skirt is mini, Very short as is shows my bottom.
Red heels with silver chains and heel that sparkle to finnish of my outfit look.
All women do have a different sense of sexuality, or sense of fun, or sense of like what's sexy or cool or tough. But tonight when I wear this outfit I feel like I am all the above.
Thank you to Anrol  for providing us this opportunity! Thankyou to the tutors for training us ready for the finals. I would like to wish Good luck to the other students here with us in the finals.
SKIN - Pulse, Created by Lorac Farella
MAKE-UP - Glam, Created by Annette Cyberstar
EYES - Pulse, Created by Lorac Farella
LASHES - Amacci, Created by Carina Larsen
HAIR - Amacci, Created by Carina Larsen
HAT - Artmefashion, Created by Moonstone Eiren
SHOES - Drakke Designs, Created by Mandrakke Dagger
SKIRT - Escarlate, Created by Mani Allen
UNDERWEAR - Shade Designs, Created by Kiyla Dreamscape
SHIRT - Shade Designs, Created by Kiyla Dreamscape
NECKLACE - Virtual Impressions, Created by Chrissy Ambrose

~CWS BallRoom Stage~
WOW! I walked in the ballroom and was struck by the immense color on the runway, this was so special, the runway even changes color. My jaw dropped open, this was one of my favorite runways of all here at CWS.  I never even knew this runway existed.  I`m in awe as a wander round, I walked down the steps from backstage, incidently backstage there is a huge wall with all the models, trainers and Anrol and Steve on it, its fabulous....I giggle knowing that if I can just get this blog finished my pic will be on that wall. I day dream for a sec and picture it up there.  I begin to walk down the centre stairs, what will the formation be on this runway? OMG another formation to learn, i`m even more exiceted now.

~CWS Black and White Stage~
I hope that this little insight into the runways at Classic With style inspires you to maybe one day join us as a student.. I can honestly say it is the most rewarding thing i have ever done in second life.   There is a styling runway where each week day a different theme is chosen, and you have to style in that theme.  Its exciting finding the best poses, making sure the prims are all edited to perfectio

~CWS Dome Stage~
The dome runway was my absolute favorite when we were training, but this runway differed slightly than the one we had been training on in the University.  The seating area was like a huge Auditorium, there were ornate staircases up each runway and two gigantic fountains.  This was something special.  CWS runways are simply amazing, each one is so different to the other, I really like that about CWS.  I can see a lot of care and attention to detail has gone into making them.  Anrol and Steve your work here is phenominal, i`m so proud and pleased I decided to train as a model here. 

~CWS Red Runway~
You walk into this runway and suddenly feel a sense of warmth. The red and Golds make this feel Regal almost.  As you land at the landing point there is a fantastic Hall of Fame of all the past pageant winners, I glared at them with envy just hoping one day my pic would be up there. Standing looking round this vast space i`m imagining myself in a fashion show, showcasing some of the most fabulous designs in sl, my tummy flutters slightly, is it nerves, Noooo this is excitement, i`m so keen to be a great model with CWS.

Love and Kisses, Kayleigh  x x x

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Passed Mid Terms

I have passed my midterms with the following students,
Caralyne Melody
Kaitlyn Spyker
Kandi Battitude
Kayleighz1988 Karillion (Me)
Mschevia Resident
Thrishia Denver
Trixxistarr Resident

Now we need to be set for the finals on Tuesday 31st July, To graduate we need to impress Anrol Athony.
We are all nervouse but we must do our best.

Practice makes perfect.
When the going gets tough, the tough reinvent.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Butterfly Styling Event At Classic With Style

The Butterfly Styling Event at Classic With Style on the 26th  July 2012

My look for the butterfly theme at Classic With Style is this beautiful Butterfly outfit I have put together to style in for this special event.
It has an amazing bikini look wrapped around me  for a sexy look, But to make my outfit look more unique, There is a metal blade on my left shoulder with silks hanging around. Leaves and pink flowers for a crown, bracelet and to cover up my cleavage.
Holding this lantern with flowers around the glass, and my butterflys fluttering around it.
White shoes making me walk around on my toe's, I feel like a ballerina. Matching my butterfly outfit. Pink winks to match my pink firery eyeshadow. Black eyelashes with a little bit of white dots at the end.
To finnish off my look I have found this amazing frizzy hair spiking out, In white to match my outfit, and make me stand out.  The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity